Kuririn pfp



670 Following

Kuririn pfp
minted my /farcards
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Kuririn pfp
It's one of those days when I need to reinstall my macOS. iCloud stopped working and can't even open my files.
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Kuririn pfp
@longcaster MVP action is ready! It converts images with a text, like screenshot essays to article on a page for easy reading (dark mode supported). Check example here and add it as action: https://warpcast.com/longcaster/0xb415f601 More features coming soon.
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Kuririn pfp
@longcaster MVP almost done. Lunching tomorrow. 👀
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Kuririn pfp
I need to return more data than a short message and want to send reply under a cast, what is the easiest and cheapest way to do that? I don't want to pay $20 a month just to send casts. Any resources, tutorials would be helpful.
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Kuririn pfp
Taking a break today from building my bigger projects after insanely productive previous week (including weekend) and building my first cast action. If you also hate reading long casts from images this will be very helpful.
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Kuririn pfp
Introducing Toshi bot! Buy Toshi directly on farcaster using your wallet and track your profits! 1) it only tracks buys and sells executed using this frame 2) it sends transactions directly to uniswap 3) you need to approve weth/toshi first - approval is for uniswap directly https://toshi-bot-frame.tools.workers.dev
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Kuririn pfp
According to Open Frames standard: https://github.com/open-frames/standard farcaster properties are compatible with Open Frames properties, but frames.js debugger is not rendering fc:frame:buttons when using XMTP mode. @df
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Kuririn pfp
Building ... 🛠️
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Kuririn pfp
For the transaction frames - how do I know which wallet user connected? Is this send in the frameData? Or do I need to query user profile for connected wallets (even then can I be sure this particular wallet will be used for the transaction)?
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Kuririn pfp
Transaction frames: In devtools when I send a transaction I get back a small tooltip that transaction was send and that's it, but my frame doesn’t change to the frame in the action field on the transaction button. I'm doing something wrong? How to show next frame after transaction was sent?
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Kuririn pfp
Why postman is so slow?
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Kuririn pfp
I will learn Go just to watch this https://youtu.be/bymQakvTY40?si=YXdy5w_njFVe4zG8
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Kuririn pfp
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Kuririn pfp
I just installed the same frame action twice, how can I delete the other one?
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Kuririn pfp
Kiwi action idea. Send new article to Kiwi with an action. It would take a link directly from the cast (or send the cast itself).
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Kuririn pfp
Awesome article about javascript optimization. With a lot of tips and examples. I haven't read such a good article in a long time. https://romgrk.com/posts/optimizing-javascript
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Kuririn pfp
There is so much to do that the only way is to increase velocity. 🚀
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Kuririn pfp
Hello supercast! 👋 I just bought my subscription.
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Kuririn pfp
Is it still possible to claim airdrop 1?
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