Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
I've been cold-shilling alerty to journalists at 9to5mac, macrumors, appleinsider, etc to no avail. Any pro tips around cold outreach and getting published?
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Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
I did get a response from an apple insider journalist on mastodon, but up in the air if anything will pan out at this point: https://i.imgur.com/p9BpDJ6.png
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mfn๐ŸŒ€ pfp
1, hook: why should they cover this now. Give a small pitch as to why your story is relevant, right now. 2, timing: if itโ€™s a time-sensitive thing, make sure you give them enough time to cover the story (usually one week in advance if itโ€™s a timed release) 3, not cold: honestly cold is really hard/unlikely
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zico pfp
I used to use a cold email script to sell to smoke shops 10 years ago. no idea if it will work in your case but feel free to steal it https://i.imgur.com/suyLMXc.png
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Renee Bigelow pfp
Renee Bigelow
They are humans like the rest of us. Human interaction goes a long way. 1. Make sure you follow anyone you are pitching or planning to pitch (across platforms). They often look at new followers just like the everyone else. 2. Interact and thoughtfully engage with their posts like you would with someone here on FC.
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Erin Magennis๐ŸŽฉ๐ŸŒป pfp
Erin Magennis๐ŸŽฉ๐ŸŒป
Find something a journalist personally cares/writes about on their own pages that connects to what you're building. Or find those people first and then figure out what connections they have. If they reply back no, pitch them a related idea that's bigger than just you & gets coverage for a friend too. win x win x win
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