🪷 pfp
Strong opinion, loosely held: more companies should produce musicals from their developer documentation. Prompt: transform docs.example.com into a 90-minute musical for this upcoming conference. “The intersection of liberal arts and technology has a new home on Market Street in downtown San Francisco”
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meesh pfp
Does it count if you’ve co-written a musical with your engineering teammates while working on a social product about funny + common things users have done on your platform and performed it live at the company hackathon? True story.
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Brad Barrish pfp
Brad Barrish
There was a recent podcast I listened to about some guy who collects all of these albums that were produced internally at companies in the mid-1900s. Some of them were insane productions. None were meant to be heard by anyone but employees. It was so fascinating! Wish I could find the podcast.
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