daniel pfp



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daniel pfp
If educators and students want to add context and asterisk Washington's legacy with "yeah but he owned slaves", ok, so what? I don't owe Musk or Maher any consideration. Their motivations are juvenile.
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daniel pfp
Two grown men talking seriously about the woke mind virus, complaining that people are being taught Washington owned slaves. Clown show.
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daniel pfp
Probably not. My own experience… There’s a line in Bob Dylan’s ‘Make you feel my love’ where he says “I could hold you for a million years” and it wasn’t until I held my own child that I deeply felt the meaning of that line.
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daniel pfp
Farcaster needs a toxic stress test.
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daniel pfp
unintentional garbage filter
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daniel pfp
bearish on all social apps
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daniel pfp
yes. he's a dickhead and the replies to him are ridiculous.
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daniel pfp
has a tendency to play big brain devil's advocate on topical events that he has no stake in. frustrates those with actual skin in the game.
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daniel pfp
disagree. also warpcaster v bluesky
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daniel pfp
a16z portfolio co
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daniel pfp
I checked out many years ago when the most common email prompts to answer Qs had two themes: - how do I make as much money as possible doing as little as possible - theoretically, what's the most efficient way to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible
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daniel pfp
As someone technical-ish but not an engineer, easier to build a nostr client or farcaster client? Have an idea.
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daniel pfp
Agreed on the blurriness.
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daniel pfp
Should there be a brand/story for protocols? TLS, SMTP...
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daniel pfp
there's a good chance!
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daniel pfp
Here lies the conundrum. The vc-backing means they need the protocol to be a profitable rent-seeker, which can sometimes be a net negative against larger altruistic goals of a protocol.
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daniel pfp
Why couldn't there simply be core dev contributors who can access grants or funding similar to Bitcoin core devs?
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daniel pfp
Seriously? https://cases.stretto.com/Celsius/court-docket/#search https://i.imgur.com/h7wtbVe.png
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daniel pfp
Agreed and the inaction is incompetence.
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daniel pfp
Farcaster should 100% be focused on allowing sign up to protocol by third-party apps.
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