Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
POV: there is no influx of people waiting to join Farcaster once it goes permissionless other than airdrop farmers. 1. We use Ethereum, so anyone anti-crypto is won’t be convinced in the near term 2. Existing apps are too similar to Twitter, with way less content New types of apps / behaviors for growth.
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Ryan Anderson pfp
Ryan Anderson
I think this is probably accurate. Lens started with a stronger brand and developed demand earlier. Farcaster is better, but less differentiated and doesn't have as compelling a story or brand. Both of those things are easily fixed.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
> but less differentiated and doesn't have as compelling a story or brand How are you defining "less differentiated" and "compelling story or brand"?
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Ryan Anderson pfp
Ryan Anderson
Lens launched as the next generation of social graph. Farcaster is arguably the same thing, but isn't telling that story as well, imo. FC positioned itself to a more technical audience, where Lens framed it as a social movement. Lens focused on identity design from the beginning.
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Sally pfp
I’d second this. If someone asked me what the story / brand identity or values were for Farcaster I’d have no idea.
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daniel pfp
Should there be a brand/story for protocols? TLS, SMTP...
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Sally pfp
Maybe not. Kind of blurry lines as it feels like a direct UX of FC more than it feels like a UX of other protocols where I only use the applications. Will people be able to go direct to Jam et al in future vs via a FC sign up process?
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