OWMO | Owen Moore pfp

OWMO | Owen Moore


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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
The faux soft shadows are mixing into the shape layers nicely now. Also implemented a UV based perspective distortion which I'm going to use for a fun surprise on this one. Mostly debug aesthetics at the moment.
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Back to a prototype where I'm exploring SDF shapes in various layered arrangements. Last few days I've been working on getting each layer rendered separately and comping faux shadows from their blurred alphas. It's a bit pronounced here, but feel convincing so far! /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Sometimes I loathe everything my code produces, it's usually when I'm thick into the weeds on some detail. Took yesterday off for my bday (39!) and returned to it today with fresh eyes and am once again loving what I have created. Sometimes you just need a break.
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
There's chatter among artists that the label "Generative Art" has been lost to AI. What is an alternative? My new website emphasizes that I'm a contemporary code artist but perhaps it's not enough? Don't hate AI, but need the distinction to be clear that I craft art, not prompt it
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Art Blocks pfp
Art Blocks
Erratic #4 by @owmo-studio
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Spending most of the week refactoring my prototypes to use my own standard WebGL "engine" that allows for easy multi-pass shader rendering. Plenty of code artists embrace messy code (fast to test ideas) but I need to be able to jump into a project and know where things are.
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Recently started studying game engine design and programming patterns, I’m trying out a few of them with a WebGL context and it’s much faster to get started on something new and/or iterate on ideas.
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
These are really nice!
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Art Blocks pfp
Art Blocks
πŸ”‰ Sound on. 🧘 Take a deep breath... 🎊 And join us in celebrating the 2nd anniversary of Flux by @owmo-studio πŸ–ΌοΈ Flux #41, collected by @pixelpete
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Did you know I have a newsletter? I just launched on and invite you to give my first post "Year of the Artist" a quick read, where I explain a little about it and my motivations behind it. I hope that you'll consider subscribing :) https://owmo.substack.com/p/year-of-the-artist
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Two years ago today Flux released on @artblocks in their Curated Series 7. I've been reflecting on my practice lately and definitely feel a connection to creating peaceful animated works like this. Please, take a moment to enjoy this video, or the whole collection at: https://flux.owmo.studio/
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Whoah! Nine more editions of WaveShapes were made this weekend by Birdane. Thanks so much for adding to the music visualization collection, which can be experienced as one continuous experience here: http://waveshapes.owmo.studio /genart /nftart /art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Been quietly working on a website refresh for my studio art practice, Phase 1 is finally complete! All typical artist info is captured alongside some WIP details and a fun genart concept right on the landing page. Check it out: https://www.owmo.studio/
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
GM - Quarantine #103
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Seems every art platform is moving to support BASE lately, has it become the defacto L2 for art?
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
I really want to dig into WebGPU as my next big learning project. That and to put more time into game dev related patterns so I can create code better structures in my art (especially when it’s interactive). Just need to wrap up a few things!
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Energy pfp
ENERGY is a creative arts grants collective. We now have a connected wallet and can receive Degen tips. The Degen we recieve will go directly towards artists grants. Check out the things we have funded so far. https://nouns.build/dao/zora/0x32297b7416294b1acf404b6148a3c58107ba8afd/114?tab=activity
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Working on a general Artist Statement for my website refresh, to give a clear message of who, what and why I am. I've re-written it probably a dozen times. It feels a lot like how I create art, start with something rough and keep refining it over and over and over until it's good
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Awesome thanks! I’ll give it a try this week!
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
The sun has been shining quite a lot more lately and I can feel my mood improving as a result. Winter blues hit me every year, especially living in a city with absurd levels of grey sky. Praise the Sun! (Flux #114)
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