OWMO | Owen Moore pfp

OWMO | Owen Moore


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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Here's a visualization of how bucket rendering works; each square is a chunk of the larger image and it gets rendered individually then are combined later into the final image. This cuts the memory requirement by a lot so the browser doesn't crash. #themoreyouknow /genart
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Inching closer to an aesthetic I really enjoy; bringing out vibrant colours and brightness while maintaining strong contrast. Many rounds of pushing values then pulling back in specific areas using depth, normals, luminance, edge detection, etc. /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Playing around with animated 2D SDF masks on my artwork. Mostly to stress test my new frame output feature in my artwork engine, each of the frames takes about 15 minutes to render so it's more akin to a renderer you'd find in something like Blender. Could be a fun way to make video content, lots to play with here! /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Whoah! Figured out another fun thing I could do with 2D SDF data when setting up the render. Going to have a lot of fun producing different sets from this work I think! /genart
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
I wonder if using 2D SDF's as a mask for Entropy could yield some interesting compositions... mocked up my OWMO logo to test the idea. Not sure what I'll do with this new unlocked ability just yet. /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Discovered I can shift the frame across several renders and when side-by-side it holds up pretty well. Will make this into a feature and queue up high quality triptychs! /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Working on infrastructure - website, art/blockchain API, engine for my art, render queue - to have streamlined workflows in my practice. Maybe too much time spent on tooling, but I know the value is there having worked as a pipeline developer for big studios in the past. /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Been trying an epoxy pour technique where you bond ink jet prints on clear sheets to the epoxy, in hopes of creating a senes of depth. Learning by doing, I have an idea of how I might improve the next proof. Read about my explorations of depth on my blog https://www.owmo.studio/blog/exploring-depth /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
My latest Newsletter discusses some of the work I'm doing to pass "the wall test" for both my static and motion work. Shoutouts include: @pixelpete - frame iPad art display @camillerouxart - latest GENART episode @WaitingToSign - great genart podcast https://newsletter.owmo.studio/p/001-evolving-perspectives
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Using my home office printer to test out an idea that required layered outputs and clear sheets to print on. Any guesses? /art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Bumped up the sampling and rendered this at 300dpi for a mock 15x20" print for this 7-layer output. Seems like everything is holding up splendidly! /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
I'm more confident in getting a fine art printer now that my Entropy algorithm can render at high resolution with a drastic reduction in visual noise. Next, I plan to print off each layer and do a small scale proof of an idea I've had for a physical. More on that next week! 👀
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
It nearly drove me to madness, but bucker rendering is now working along side progressive sampling! All on a per-layer structure that is stitched back together! Why? I can render print resolution without crashing the browser and it really helps clean up a lot of the noise. /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
That moment of hesitation before you start tearing into your art's code to refactor how the information flows so you can get per-layer textures out of it but hopefully are able to re-assemble it in a similar aesthetic 😅
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Been spending a lot of time building infrastructure for my art practice (website, blog, engine, automation) and I'm starting to phase projects into the tools I've set up. This very geometric output was a fun surprise among the more chaotic work I've been exploring lately. /gen-art
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Picked up an Orange Pi 5 and installed a custom build of Ubuntu on it and got hardware acceleration working via VirtualGL so I can remote desktop into it. My intent is to see what kind of realtime art I could create on this small, cheap, but relatively powerful bit of hardware. /wip
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Finally getting around to going through the Raytracing in a Weekend books. Going to power through all three and then try to tackle my own progressive renderer. /study
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Same generative artist, shiny new headshot! I wanted a new photo to represent myself for future applications, shows, publications, etc. as my "random photo taken on a cell phone" approach wasn't cutting it. Really digging how this one turned out. Alright, back to art now yeah?
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
Catching up on bookkeeping for my studio today and I struggle so much with the boredom of such tasks. I can read about rendering methodology and mathematics no problem, but ask me to do simple data entry and my mind starts racing with creative ideas. So difficult to focus!
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OWMO | Owen Moore pfp
OWMO | Owen Moore
The faux soft shadows are mixing into the shape layers nicely now. Also implemented a UV based perspective distortion which I'm going to use for a fun surprise on this one. Mostly debug aesthetics at the moment.
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