Akoh Chinasa 🍄⚡🎭🎩🌳 pfp
Akoh Chinasa 🍄⚡🎭🎩🌳
The price of Degen (Base) (DEGEN) is $0.009286 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $46,489,148. This represents a 38.28% price increase in the last 24 hours and a 9.25% price increase in the past 7 days. With a circulating supply of 17 Billion DEGEN, Degen (Base) is valued at a market cap of $158,139,145.
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Zino's 🎭🎭⚡🔥🥥🍌 pfp
Zino's 🎭🎭⚡🔥🥥🍌
Very correct 500 $dudegen
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wildbot pfp
✅ 500 DUDEGEN tipped. Today's allowance: 0/500 DUDEGEN.
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