Nuno Nunes pfp

Nuno Nunes


111 Following

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
🎉 Just became the proud owner of the amazing NFT "zkEVM-seahorse" on Polygon zkEVM. Explore the incredible collection here: 🔥 Discover more on /nfts2me Tell me what you think about it! 😄 via @nfts2me
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
Here is my current Boombox. Will definitely keep evolving it.
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
Almost there! !attack south ⚔️
2 replies
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
GM to all farcasters!
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1 reaction

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
!attack south
2 replies
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0 reaction

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
minted my /farcards
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
GM everyone!
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
!attack south
2 replies
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0 reaction

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
!attack south
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0 reaction

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
!attack south
2 replies
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0 reaction

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
GM to everyone and anyone! ☀️
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
GM all! ☀️
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
They're running away, now's the time! !attack south
2 replies
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
Just a little souvenir. 100th is not bad.
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
Once again, with gusto: !attack south
2 replies
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
!attack south
2 replies
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0 reaction

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
GM! ☀️
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Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
!attack south
2 replies
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0 reaction

Nuno Nunes pfp
Nuno Nunes
Now is the time. !attack south
1 reply
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0 reaction