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notdevin  pfp
Another round of let’s tip degen for insights: Thinking through the intersection of tipping and self banking, what if you could tip for how money was being managed? I’ve always liked having goals in my financial apps, Simple Bank had this, would you like goals and what if achieving goals could be tipped?
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Dennis🎩 pfp
It's been a few months that i do this. I do have some small goals that i do weekly/monthly and when i achieve i tip myself. With tip i mean visiting another country, going for a breakfast in a good restaurant, buying something for myself. Achieving goals do help also for a better mindset and increase dopamine levels.
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notdevin  pfp
I love this! What’s your favorite self tip to date? 100 $degen
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Dennis🎩 pfp
It was a trip , last month in Istanbul. suggest to try doing this, goals really motivates and makes life better.
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notdevin  pfp
Goals are definitely where it’s at 🚀
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Keegan  pfp
I like the idea of adding some type of self goals.
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notdevin  pfp
What kind of self goal?
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Keegan  pfp
I was curious to hear how that could be measured and rewarded. I want to save 10k before doing this thing- okay I hit the 10k… where does the reward come from? And how do I show I made the 10k ethnically vs just adding it from another account.. any possibilities?
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notdevin  pfp
If I could choose to send my degen tips to an account that pooled the tips and then distributed amongst those that achieved their goals, that mechanic could tip a “saver” The size of that pool you could say is related in some way to how people value saving as a common good
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