Connor McCormick ☀️
Got more WhatsApp spam so I'm here to say this again: A great pattern to prevent spam is to require a stake to send a message which can optionally be slashed by the recipients (where the tokens are destroyed). Required stake size can vary based on account reputation and other signals
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Connor McCormick ☀️
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Connor McCormick ☀️
Good discussion with @weeoo about this here
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Connor McCormick ☀️
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Dan Finlay 🦊
You could do a version of this with where it doesn't cost a tx fee to "stake" (extend allowance). Allowance would have to be active to be visible, and the reader gets to determine when the "race" to withdraw begins, and so achieve good safety if they have a bundler they trust.
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Connor McCormick ☀️
oh cool! Doing it via an allowance is a really elegant I think UX would be best with a max allowance where each message stake can slash from that allowance (stake must be less than allowance, but sum of stakes can be greater than total allowance it just harms their send score) any easy ways to avoid race issues?
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Dan Finlay 🦊
I think having a trusted bundler (flashbots/smart transactions style) can largely solve the race issue. Otherwise would need to lock funds.
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