Connor McCormick ☀️ pfp
Connor McCormick ☀️
How would you design a governance system that allows people to pay for the policies they want (direct bribery) but doesn't become a plutocracy (where only the rich have a voice)?
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Mitch pfp
change conception of or introduce parallel notions of "value" different from today's 1 idea in currency. imo you reform incentive structures to correspond with their relevant realms of governance, ie. participants govern based on realm-specific merit, e.g. investors govern markets, politicians govern localities, etc.
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Connor McCormick ☀️ pfp
Connor McCormick ☀️
how do you determine merit wrt a specific domain?
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Mitch pfp
every domain is self-governed & independent of every other but can share resources in a federated manner at higher level. participants in each domain govern or delegate to those that make the case for decision consolidation which leads to ongoing & dynamic measure of merit. domains should be easy to start, easy to exit
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