mk pfp
US military: there’s flying cubes in spheres all over the place everyone: the current thing
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mk pfp
It makes more sense to me that these are manifestations of a boundary condition rather than physical interactions within an inconscient universe.
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
wdym by manifestations of a boundary condition?
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mk pfp
That our actions are starting to reveal the model in addition to what is being modeled.
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vaughn tan pfp
vaughn tan
unpack more pls! v interesting
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mk pfp
Ok. Super condensed: Our understanding of physics suggests interstellar connection is improbable. We have no unified physical theory, but the observer plays a role. If intelligence is physics as much as gravity, our model is way off. As local intelligence increases we may now detect what we couldn't, kinda like radio.
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
curious how you're thinking about 'intelligence'—what's a good definition/explanation for it in this context? objectively, what material increases have there been recently? llms maybe? total energy consumption? leo launches? iow, why increased perception *now*?
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mk pfp
I’d say intelligence is modeling. It’s interesting because intelligence is a consequential phenomenon that accelerates entropy. It’s physical; maybe measurable? I haven’t put time enough in to attempt the rest.
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