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as I logged in, an intro video of the founder played, immediately getting my attention. after a few seconds, just as I was about to go back to my things and listen to it in the background, the video minimized making room for the app interface. the nice touch kept me engaged and made me more curious.
next, a customized onboarding flow began. the video succintly explained the problem (which I closely relate to) and presented their solution, while data populated in real time with visual cues appearing on screen. just at the right pace, not overwhelming me. at one point I noticed I could interact with the app, adding and editing data, without stopping or breaking the flow (!).
the orchestration and attention to details really impressed me. made me think that we often forget how important it is to make experiences delightful, especially in our space.
as for the app, it's what I wish linear was https://height.app/ 1 reply
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