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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 /masks
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
🎭🎭🎭🎭🎭 /masks
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
In this carnival, it is customary for a man and a woman to have similar clothes and masks and to be dressed like allegorical characters, and in the past, the streets of Venice were for those who wore masks and there was no difference between the nobles and the common people of the society. /masks
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Special masks are used in this carnival, in order to eliminate the apparent difference between the rich and poor classes, and it also creates an opportunity to shake hands with the authorities and the powerful of the society. Italians have a proverb that says: "During Carnival, any kind of joke is allowed." /masks
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Masks have always been an integral part of the Venice Carnival. The tradition of wearing masks started in the 13th century. They can wear masks on December 26, the day of "St. Stephen's Day" until the beginning of fasting days, and celebrate without worrying about their identity changing. /masks
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Its name firefly which belongs to the family of insects it is actually member of the family of beetles and a sub-branch of the fly pod or gab balan Fireflies produce cold light that is all infrared and ultraviolet This light whose length varies from 510 to 670 nm can be seen in yellow green red or pale colors /animals
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Barsherk pilau with chicken is one of the most delicious and popular Iranian dishes. This delicious dish is a combination of authentic Iranian barsherk pilau with Majlisi chicken stew, which is very popular among Iranians. /food
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Jaliz flower is a genus of flowering plants that has about 150 species. This genus has 36 species in Iran, all of which are parasites of other plants. English jasmine flower is the root of dicotyledonous plants, and due to the lack of leaves and greens, by absorbing water and nutrients from the plant /flowers
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Narcissus belongs to the daffodil family and the asparagus family and is a perennial bulbous plant. Its onions are large and have scaly or overlapping sheets. In other words, its bulb can give flowers consecutively, and its flowers are bigger, pale and colorful every year. /flowers
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Evan Spiegel (born June 4, 1990) is an American Internet entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of the multinational technology and social media company Snap, which he co-founded with Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown while a student at Stanford. /founders
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Bulgogi, or seasoned beef, is a tasty and delicious plate of grilled meat. Bulgogi is becoming one of the most popular South Korean dishes around the world. The origin of this food is the northern regions of the Korean peninsula. Bulgogi means "fire meat". /food
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Power and Glory is a novel written by English author Graeme Green. This novel was published in 1940. Graham Greene wrote this book after his trip to Mexico in 1938, and in it he discussed the plight of the people of this country during the implementation of the anti-religious laws of the country's government. /books
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant that belongs to the lily family and grows in dry areas. This plant is in 240 different species, only 4 of which have nutritional value and can be used. Inside this fleshy and juicy plant, there is a gel-like substance that is useful for treating many diseases. /flowers
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Biota becomes one of the original Venetian masks, a mask that is used more than anything to cover most of the parts of the face and must be made so that I can talk and eat easily while wearing the face without having to remove it. /masks
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
In traditional medicine the cheese plant is considered moderate it dilutes thick mixtures and moderates very thin mixtures. A decoction of its leaves is useful for broken limbs its combination with olive oil is useful for burns and scorpion stings an infusion of its stem and leaves with sugar makes hoarseness /flowers
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
TOCD (@tocd) Bought Back OVER 270,000 $FOMO tokens. Guess where the price will go? BuyBack increases the $FOMO (/omof) price. It makes $FOMO difficult to acquire. $FOMO is available for staking and trading paired with $DEGEN Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
The tiger is the largest animal of the feline family. The most important feature of this animal is the dark vertical stripes on the red-yellow fur, which is lighter in the lower area. This animal has strong body muscles and legs. The body has a long and shiny orange color with vertical black lines. /animals
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Negin🐹🎩 pfp
Affinity Designer graphic design software is one of the fastest, most accurate and perfect graphic design software. This software is a great choice for people working on business logo design, concept art, large graphic projects, icons, UX and UI. /design
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