Naomi  pfp



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Naomi  pfp
sometimes you also get to see the ruins of a castle which is great fuels for making up stories in your head about what happened there.
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Naomi  pfp
even at home I find myself just looking out of the window at trees or people walking past. highly recommend . good to give yourself a break from the screen
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Naomi  pfp
Same. You get a better sense of you're actually going places and it's a great way to see lots of landscape.
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Naomi  pfp
If it is I wouldn't blame you.
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Naomi  pfp
30 cows, 11 sheep. Also some horses but went by too fast. Maybe 7. I was happy to see the sheep were sharing space with solar panels. Serendipitously, I recently read an article about how solar panels on their field actually improve sheep's lives by providing shade. A real win-win.
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Naomi  pfp
I am in this picture.
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10 reactions

Naomi  pfp
Sounds super refreshing 😍
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Naomi  pfp
So I can make notes of how many cows or sheep I see... πŸ˜‚
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Naomi  pfp
That's why i got a gal so at least you know the funds go toward making an anime. Which then results in future richness and other people perceiving nfts as cool. And then we all benefit from number go up eventually. Just need a handful of projects to raise the tide.
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Naomi  pfp
Me when going on a long train ride: I'll totally do some work. Also me: Who am I kidding. Proceeds to stare out of the window for hours.
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Naomi  pfp
There is a reason i feel this way. Having read The Rider on the White Horse by Theodor Storm. Now I feel I should re-read. If you find it and read it too, we can do a mini book club
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Naomi  pfp
It's me again, now in my French philosopher phase reading obscure stuff. (I mean booktok would never recommend this) Here an excerpt from Sartres "Existentialism is a humanism" with a timeless lesson about freedom.
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Naomi  pfp
Me too. The north sea in November is basically if melancholia was an ocean.
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Naomi  pfp
Nothing like being miserable by the sea.
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Naomi  pfp
For those who feel individual morality is declining, here's a study to suggest otherwise. That's something.
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Naomi  pfp
whatever that fish is, I want it
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Naomi  pfp
They got some attachment issues.
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Naomi  pfp
working in crypto - if you don't lose it altogether 🀣
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Naomi  pfp
That sounds beautiful. I also love the "turn every meal into a banquet" the author uses in the end. That makes it even more aspirational. If I ever open a cafe, long tables only haha
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Naomi  pfp
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