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Max Jackson
Confession: I have a crush on everyone who replies to this cast. You are charming, beautiful and/or handsome
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!!! lovely work. how do you keep radial symmetry when working by hand? props
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Max Jackson
this one and many of my digitally manipulated ones are kaleidoscoped, not actually handmade symmetry. The fully handmade ones usually are purely rotationally symmetrical, without the reflective symmetry aspects. That said, I should practice reflective symmetry more -- its super hard and never perfect!
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Max Jackson
oh but to answer your question, its a combo of guide lines (I draw faint concentric circles with a pencil using a compass before starting) and lots of practice
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Brad Rumbl
I'm impressed, my mind could never wrap itself around the complexities of calligraphy, or calligraphic drawings. Some levels of maths and science yes, but this just eluuuudes me
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ahhh okay that makes sense, i absolutely love these
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