Murat pfp



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Murat pfp
Wake up babe, new blob preconfirmations research for censorship resistance dropped:
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Murat pfp
πŸ”« Battle me and earn $SEXY! Join /ethxy and ask @jethid for any questions!
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Murat pfp
Here's what we built at @ethglobal London: 🦾 BlobPreconf Auction – Sealed bid Auction SUAPP for blob preconfirming relay leader selection Check it out here:
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Murat pfp
From Future of DEX event in London organized by Flashbots: "a @worldcoin DEX signup can allow for low user fees, separating sophisticated actors from unsophisticated ones for fee mechanisms"
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Murat pfp
Come hear about how L1 Preconfirmations work at my opening day speech @ethdenver today at 12:30pm MT
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Murat pfp
Brilliant! The relation of short supply to implicit collusion is an important discovery
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Murat pfp
We released a new article that goes over our framework for Preconfirmations on Ethereum and other chains 🦾 I'm very excited to announce that I will also be giving a speech on this at ethDenver!
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Murat pfp
The meme channel quickly became one of my favorite feeds on the internet
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Murat pfp
We be hiring devs! If you or someone you know is a: - Distributed Systems Engineer - Protocol engineer - p2p maximalist - Blockchain data nerd - MEV experienced shadowy super coder + looking for fun challenges to work on, reach out. Eth bounty for credible referrals!
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Murat pfp
Excited to present at a16z crypto startup school demoday today!
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Murat pfp
3 code prompts to GPT before bedtime to accelerate my productivity tomorrow
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Murat pfp
One of my favorite chats so far - @eddy & @dwr.eth
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Murat pfp
You can feel Farcaster is gaining momentum: - network effect is forming, protocol feels "alive" - new profiles are diverse and not just crypto ppl - product is maturing: interfaces, protocol getting better, becoming a platform giving way to more innovation Very excited to realize the potential. Obligatory "Inb4"
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Murat pfp
I'm excited to announce our team at has been accepted to @a16zcrypto 's Crypto Startup School! We're looking forward to discussing our research with experts at the program and meeting other builders πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
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Murat pfp
Hiring devs experienced in geth & mev. Go engineers wanted... Reach out for a great opportunity
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Murat pfp
I've found Farcaster to be more engaging on mobile since I've downloaded the iOS app. Highly recommend
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Murat pfp
The new wave of NFC enabled color screen hardware wallets point at a promising future where we use secure digital wallets in our IRL purchases
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Murat pfp
Surprised no DMs on Farcaster yet... Would be a great way to communicate with early folks before the masses show up
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Murat pfp
one problem is the doxxing between email + wallet... would be cool to have a zk method in between
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Murat pfp
second time on farcaster - this should be the charm!
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