Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp

Matthew McDowell-Sweet


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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
A new version of Subset is now available on iOS via TestFlight. + Summary stats and streaks + Compound search queries + URL clean-up + Import and export Head to the site to see it in action and/or get access right now.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Enjoyed this for a few reasons, the main one being the insight into the struggle to make training for critical, life-endangering scenarios have near-parity with the reality of such situations.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
*insert ghiblified image of someone doing tai chi beneath the ocean’s surface
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Kinda. This thread helps contextualise it in comp. to other approaches.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Taking a spin through JS’s Advice on Upskilling and The Math Academy Way. Helpful right now as I’m trying to advance a bunch of skills in parallel—computing, entrepreneurship, BJJ, math, climbing.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Hmmm. “Such technologies, together with established genetic techniques to inhibit brain development, make it possible to envision the creation of “bodyoids”—a potentially unlimited source of human bodies, developed entirely outside of a human body from stem cells, that lack sentience or the ability to feel pain.”
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Reminds me of this. “I’ve only been back at work for a few days, but already I’m noticing that the more wholesome activities are quickly dropping out of my life: walking, exercising, reading, meditating, and extra writing. The one conspicuous similarity between these activities is that they cost little or no money, but they take time.”
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Bootstrapping one’s social cred and seeing spontaneous clusters of interactions emerge are perennial social network problems, though, not just WC/FC ones. It’s interesting seeing how FC attempts to solve them at the same time as Bluesky.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
So the intro to people to vibe with part is what seems absent/weak right now?
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
One thing that this place has going for it is link positivity. Culture is referential and if the pointers are only ever internal the discourse gets stale fast. I know what you mean about the event planner thing. But what does “good conversation” feel / look like to you? Any examples from here, or from other places?
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
The mechanic for rewarding friendships and interactions are the friendships and interactions themselves, no? The network-protocol-client-whatever can facilitate it but it’s ultimately on the end users to 1) recognise the inherent value of talking to people and 2) interact and sustain relationships.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
logseq-ux-latency-frustration-score ■■■■■■■■■□
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
💯all technical systems are socio-technical systems, easier to compromise social factors than technical ones etc🕵️
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Related—and a much more credible stance.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
*obligatory sceptical “hmmm” goes here.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Finally finished my odyssey through volumes I-III of Braudel’s Civilisation and Capitalism. Overall: newfound appreciation for the consistent and compounding ingenuity-at-scale of humanity across millennia, and a renewed appreciation for how the forces of capital, labour, technology and ecology entangle and perpetuate one another.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Orgs like this should have an explicit death protocol that nukes certain assets when an existential threat is realised.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
TIL about this absurdly ambitious attempt to anti-Dune a massive area.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet
Anyone with sufficient CompSci and/or program synthesis expertise able to tl;dr the (non-)significance of this and where it sits in relation to the rest of the field and the SoTA? I did trawl some of the replies but I’m not embedded in that domain enough to really unravel what this means on a larger scale.
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