Aneesh Sathe ☀️ pfp
Aneesh Sathe ☀️
@msms didn’t we discuss this just the other day?
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
Indeed. Downstream of this, I think.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
Been thinking about this more as working on finding a strong archetypical case to lead with. Speculation: effective memes are compressions of archetypical cases.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
Additional speculation re: people that get pitched a case. Their ability to discern a BS vs a non-BS case is dependent on their ability to detect an actual compression (e.g. derived from domain expertise) vs a pseudo-compression (e.g. leans on a timely trend alone).
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