Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
Whitehead: “Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them.”
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
Thick vs thin rules. Thick: contextual, require interpretation. Thin: explicit, protocol-ish.
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
Separate agents in a society into organic (e.g. humans) and artificial (e.g. machines).
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
A taxonomy of societies: 1) Organic and artificial agents governed with thin rules 2) Organic and artificial agents governed with thick rules 3) Organic agents governed with thick rules; artificial agents governed with thin rules 4) Organic agents governed with thin rules; artificial agents governed with thick rules
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