Cedric Chin pfp
Cedric Chin
This is either incredibly stupid or delightfully early, but I’ve been wondering if process control is a necessary pre-requisite for plugging AI into company operations. Amazon went through a similar journey with inventory reordering (which is 100% automated now).
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Cedric Chin pfp
Cedric Chin
From Working Backwards: The basic idea is: 1. Do the process using humans 2. Bring it under statistical control 3. Continue improving — do experiments, trial and error, etc 4. Automate
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Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞ pfp
Matthew McDowell-Sweet ∞
Seems legit. Assumption that one can throw compute at a vague problem and end up with a scalable, profitable solution is way off. Also—0th step: conceive of and enumerate process?
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Cedric Chin pfp
Cedric Chin
The 0th step is the hard bit, and where all the process control shit lives 😄
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