Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
I woke up this morning in Tokyo to 2 casts from @dwr.eth regarding future of Farcaster As a developer building on Farcaster, I found them to be a bit contradictory, unsettling, & overly defeatist. Farcaster has been building a solid foundation for a strong future. That future is dependent on app... longcast.jam.so/jjcJMh
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Two cents of a client-builder (Phrasetown): barebones client aren't differentiated enough to win. A future I can see happening: "Twitter clones" are as undifferentiated as podcasting clients, because they all consume the same data. Warpcast is positioned to win the Twitter-clone category because "official client."
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agree. and the huge value of FC is that the client has such a wide-open possibility space, so there can be many clients that occupy distinct forms and can coexist but take separate pieces of the whole pie
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Yeah, the best FC app to build now is the non-obvious and fun. Hard to find that because... non-obvious...
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imo arbitrary embeds is a huge innovation that could be the big differentiator for FC apps
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