It has come to my attention that Bertram the Pomeranian, Dog Mayor of Solana, crossed the rainbow bridge a few months ago. I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to Bertram’s loved ones and community at large. My intent was never to disrespect a fellow dog of influence, especially one who dedicated his platform to doing good. Bertram wasn’t just a Bertram, he was THE Bertram. A leader. A visionary. A pioneer of dog-based governance. It is clear that he was loved by many, and for that, he has my utmost respect. In light of this news, I will not be pursuing an election at this time. Instead, I will take a moment of reflection and honor the legacy of the late Mayor. Rest in peace, Mr. Mayor. May your days be filled with sunny spots for napping and an endless supply of cheese on the other side of the rainbow bridge.
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Rest in peace bertram although i didn’t know you im sure you were loved by your owner and your people💞
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