timdaub (🥝,🎩) pfp
timdaub (🥝,🎩)
loved it so much my guy stopped using WC https://warpcast.com/sriramk/0x71cfd7
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
If VCs were really active on FC people would also complain. ;)
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
There was a time early on where the ratio of VCs and crypto luminaries to regular folk was extremely high and it felt a bit performative and stuffy.
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mk pfp
I think we can better absorb them now.
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0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
Yeah for sure but I think a few of them blending in to the background some allowed for a more organic and natural culture to bloom here. We were all thoughtbois there for a while.
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grin 🐣  pfp
grin 🐣
Absorb them like Kirby, and gain their essence while retaining our true self
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