Mimetista pfp



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Mimetista pfp
The best way to publicly praise and thank someone for helping you with an idea, a contact, an explanation or whatever and make it visible as well as rewarded in your community is my favorite love language. Thanks for creating @givepraise !
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Mimetista pfp
Today I broke a record with 16 hours of work! From co-organizing the Creativa Tech Road by @nouns-dao x @cryptoamigos, coordinating the Pizza Dao and a cocktail for CEOs Enjoy the journey of doing and learning!
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Mimetista pfp
The best chocolate I've ever drank in my life was in Valle Sagrado, Cusco
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Mimetista pfp
What's leadership? Me: The way you encourage your team, give them the right tools and guide all efforts to achieve the goals of the project or business you have. Whatcha think about this?
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Mimetista pfp
Our first wedding together @luisotravez 🥰 With a little Nounish company
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Mimetista pfp
If anyone is gonna be in Trujillo in two weeks? I'm gonna talk about soft skills and leadership for executives. Hope to see you there!
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Mimetista pfp
Today I was at a conference about how to sell what your company does. I think it's easier to maybe write about this or having a virtual presentation than in person. Today I learned a new word: "glossophobia": fear of speaking in public. How could you overcome that fear?
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Mimetista pfp
@pilll $PILL
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Mimetista pfp
The best place to visit in Cancun is Islas Mujeres, its warm, its crystalline and soft beaches are paradisiacal.
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Mimetista pfp
Hi everyone! Do you imagine a reusable Post-It whose durability is at least for 15 years. With a team, we have created "rpost"-reusable note and we are travelling around Peru to introduce it en different events!
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Mimetista pfp
The good thing about being Peruvian is that you can find Korean ice cream near the Plaza de Armas de Lima!
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Mimetista pfp
Hola! Espero tengamos más eventos de @farcaster en Lima! Quizá uno /nounish ? 👀
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Mimetista pfp
Gm! Dando primeros pasitos por aquí 🫡
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