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Have noticed a distinct reduction in Power Badge Anxiety since $DEGEN Season 6 started. arfy's thoughts: - It's good, in that people aren't as stressed about it. - Now that it's no longer tied to Degen allowances, some true colours are showing. What I mean is that many people only sought the PB because they wanted the allowance. - Remember though, that having the PB opens up engagement and visibility of your account, so it's still a highly valuable thing, depending on what your aspirations are on farcaster. IMHO I'd rather have the badge than a high allowance. That's just me though. What are your thoughts, frenpai?
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I was counting on this to happen! I hoped for it and were waiting because I'm not here to make money. Getting noticed and being able to communicate with everyone is my priority. But with less bots and the show more section added, that's been easier to achieve too. so I'm no longer obsessed with getting a PB either anymore. Just here relaxing and vibing and making friends for now. 🌷🎭
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Absolutely agreed IMHO. Now that a ton of grifters aren't also chasing it purely to get high allocations, I am hoping it will be easier for legitimate accounts to get it! I've seen a lot of my frenpais in the last round getting it, so it may well be happening already.
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