Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
* meters * kg * lean celsius but don't care too much either way * abolish seasonal time changes * for online calls/events specify time in UTC * YYYY-MM-DD date format * ground floor is 0th; don't skip 4 and 13 * don't put sugar in cold tea Simple rules for a civilized society.
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Michael 🎩🐹 pfp
Michael 🎩🐹
I’ll do you one better. Sun rises at 6:30am for all time zones. Vast majority of clocks are digital now and can simply autocorrect at 3am each time zone.
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Plastic Tolstoy pfp
Plastic Tolstoy
So countries in the far north or south of the world have extremely fast or long 24 hours? Not sure this idea will be popular, haha.. ;)
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