Matt Schoch pfp

Matt Schoch


103 Following

Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Am I missing an obvious best-practice for automating db migrations in a db in a private subnet? Feels like every solution I have is tedious.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
No reason every Client should have a posting key that can be used with no user action; automation keys should be an opt-in grant. Keys should be client-bound to ensure no misuse
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
AI is a superpower for people embarrassed to ask stupid questions. My rate of learning is 10x faster from asking questions until I actually understand.
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6 reactions

Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Total eclipse today. Higher.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Just got my speaker confirmation for EthCC in July! Excited to talk about next-gen access management.
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8 reactions

Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Why does closing Warpcast pause my Spotify? - play music - open Warpcast - close app - music stops On iOS. @dwr.eth
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Very good take.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Made a habit of swapping random airdrops into $degen. Higher.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
/co airdrop
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
TIL the name of the farcaster company. Huge!
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
What happens when you put a memecoin inside a memecoin?
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12 reactions

Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Last year, a group of us went to dinner. Restaurant didn’t split the bill & most people didn’t have US bank accounts so Venmo wouldn’t work. Highlighted the need for better payment rails.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Congrats to everyone starting @a16zcrypto CSX London today! We joined CSX last year at the bottom of the bear market. The energy and optimism of other builders who held long-term conviction was absolutely critical. We left with an increased ambition and stronger conviction than ever.
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4 reactions

Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Telling followers “let’s all be Team More” - legit. Telling group chat “let’s all be Team More” - manipulating results.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
$degen: a meme coin that has developed a social network called warpcast
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3 reactions

Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
If the last few gen MacBooks are vulnerable, what do we do? Do we have to start using PCs?
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Why MPC and not just rely on Confidential Compute? In case a future hardware vulnerability is found, sharded keys add another layer of protection.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Cloudflare uses lava lamps to generate random numbers for encryption.
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Matt Schoch pfp
Matt Schoch
Didn’t realize the GOP migrated to Base; must be the low fees.
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