max 🏀🏒 pfp
max 🏀🏒
Only two weeks out from the Apple headset reveal, but I keep thinking about the Humane demo… I’d much prefer the future where the computer disappears entirely, instead of moving onto our faces.
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clay pfp
AirPods + Siri that interacts more like LLM chat could be this
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Zach pfp
The fact that the demo was answering a phone call during a Ted talk is crazy to me
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j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker pfp
j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker
man the humane UI is floppin all over the dudes hand while he’s walkin around, i was nauseous just from the demo vid - i’ll stick w phone 😬
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