David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
🚀 Just shipped a massive update to Discove, a farcaster web client - You can now cast, like, and follow in the client - Search everyone’s likes, follows, casts, profiles - See daily trending topics - Data refreshed every minute - Create your own feed ranking algorithm for your feed - Extensions (mobile coming s
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Maxorgel 🎩 pfp
Maxorgel 🎩
I'm really intrigued but can't get the log-in to work. I have my farcaster wallet imported into rainbow but when I scan & authenticate I get "not_authenticated." Can't figure out how to import farcaster into metamask since it's asking for a key not a seed phrase. Would I have to log-out?
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
I wrote two guides, one for rainbow and one for metamask on how to do this: https://davidfurlong.notion.site/Discove-help-docs-docs-323384adc75247e48ad6faf37fb7faf2 I think if you already have a wallet in metamask it doesn't allow importing a different one without first clearing the first. I would recommend rainbow
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