Maurice pfp
Getting to Phaver Level 6 is quite easy and you don't have to buy the Phaverium Cred Pass S1 to be eligible. The trick is to combine the Bronze/Silver/Gold passes in a way that you receive 300 CRED points a day. For instance Silver CRED passes are at around 0.01 ETH per NFT and Phaverium floor price is around 0.3 ETH per NFT. Instead of buying the Phaverium pass, you just can sweep 15 Silver CRED pass NFTs for 0.15 ETH (check floor prices first) to save 0.15 ETH. You can also check out Gold and Bronze and calculate the best combination for you. Please note this is not financial advice. I just tell you how I did it. Please note that NFTs are usually illiquid . So please do your own research before you buy them.
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