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#opensourcewarpcast if it's not open source, how can it be decentralized at all?
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what's the point of making WC open source? if the assumption is that it would lead to another client gaining significant marketshare I'm sorry to say that the exact opposite would likely happen.
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Itâs not about cloning Warpcast to make another client (although I am sure that open sourcing WC would lead to TONS of shitty client đ) Having example code that is best-in-class solutions to problems one would face while writing for FC protocol is a huge unlock even if you arenât trying to clone Warpcast.
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for me it would be more about being able to open PR's and fix stuff that really grinds my gears. Also I think it would easily provide an avenue to just run your own client with those modifications if they dont get upstreamed for reasons idk, i just think it would be a more open playing field for both builders and users.
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makes sense. I don't know if that's really the thing stopping FC from finding PMF so while I see your point I can also see why it wouldn't be a priority for WC.
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