Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp

Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩


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web3dΞv.eth | pfp
web3dΞv.eth |
Last on this Kotlin > Swift Like 10x better, at least !
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Let’s go big with Warpcast 20 $DEGEN
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Was just looking at this. I wonder where they want to head with Swift. I also did a mind game. Can I just pick up Swift and use it to develop any type of application I want. Say web or APIs, maybe data transformation and even automation. But I really find it non-compelling to solve general problems. Just apps 🥸
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DiviFlyy pfp
$GLOOM is this weeks /scenecoin spotlight! 👽 ⭐
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Love what you do man! 20 $DEGEN
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web3dΞv.eth | pfp
web3dΞv.eth |
That special time of the year when the best podcast out there drops news episode Hardcore History ! #71 – Mania for Subjugation
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
At some point Gloom will explode, don’t sleep on it. 👽🚀
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Some great news ob ny Degen stats! Been 5 for a long time, now it’s somethibg to work with!
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
I built this one! Some pretty usabke stuff in there!
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
I love Dune Dashboards! But please get a dataset for OpenSea usernames like the Farcaster one!
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
What do Degens do in these times? Awaiting times.
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Swedes do what Swedes do. Midsummer coming up! How will it be cekebrated??
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
What’s next up for $GLOOM?
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Great! 1 $DEGEN
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web3dΞv.eth | pfp
web3dΞv.eth |
web3 tenches podcast 🔥📻 🔊 ========================== #021 - All Quiet on the Western Front 🪖 Porting uniswap's javascripts sdks to Kotlin multiplatform. The death of the western world. Face melting pumps & more ! 🔗
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Looks good, this is what @jacek posted about? Degen subdomain? 👽👽
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Gn gloomer! 👽👽
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Let’s goo! Gloomers on the rise. Join the Gloomiverse!
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
Gloomy market, perfect for Gloom!
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Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩 pfp
Marcus Sjölin 👽🎩
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