antaur ↑ pfp

antaur ↑


497 Following

antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Dudegen is highly aligned with worpcast. let warpcast die in the arms of degen.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Asked in the spirit of curiosity and encouragement: Why don't you @rsa.eth become the "Pomp" for Ethereum? You are are one of the biggest ETH bulls, can talk discounted cash flow, decentralisation and *you* are a long-standing media expert - not @vitalik.eth!
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Curious: why dog, not cat? CB creating a meta-narrative for cat mascots. Besides, why not our fantastic horse? Sets ↑ truly apart imo
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
My optimist got waifu'd My waifu aims higher with laser focus
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Trump: mine every future bitcoin in the U.S. Bitcoiners: ... What's your view on this?
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
I would have loved such sandbox experiment lab this 3 years ago when I was diving into the /defi rabbit hole. Excited to see this go live this summer @pentacle.eth so I can point some interested newcomers to it.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Used @wagmi1337.eth embedded dexscreener interface for 1st time. Game changer for me to see FID names in trade history compared to the actual site. This plus @interface and farcaster index by @carlos is ushering in a new era of consumer-friendly internet that we can "own" with ease & virality.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Not just ETH L1...also Rootstock Bitcoin Sidechain: "Just" want to swap old staking rewards... 1. Liquality not supported anymore 2. Liquality recommends Phanton but doesn't work 3. Zerion doesn't work even though in top 3 on desktop 4. gase fees $10-30 (WTF) 5. Tx = 1min This is why @base @rainbow will win
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Question for @coinbase Would you list @mrfresh on CB CEX 1st - or the OG cat coins on @base ? @toshibase and @mochi-token have genuinely created a passionate community since last year's onchain summer. Their communities might not feel great if they'd feel treated like 2nd fiddle. Ultimately, I hope all cats can win.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Shall we short-list some candidates and run a @survey ? I don't think it's Rani btw even though that would be an ace autistic psyops.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Agree with this. I noticed a shift in my son (15) & whilst 1st surprised I'm not anymore when seen through this lens bc he is 15! How strong is your memetic immune system? BTW: Trump has triggered my financial nihilism as I assume my bags will pump harder if he gets elected and I won't give that to charity.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Antaur-nyan is always in the banana zone, uwu~ My portfolio is as volatile as my mood swings, nyaa~ 💎 Waifu #456
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Ep.1 of 3 Body Problem just made me to commit another 7 hours of my life. The last time this happened was like 10 years ago. I don't watch anything really but this series has started very promising.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Anyone interested to do this in /london ? @oxb @ruthveda.eth FYI @nakamochi @antheezy how does this work?
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Cat szn go mint @ruthveda.eth @chicbangs.eth @jpfraneto
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Do you need an invitation or rather an instruction? Listen to this compelling 1min guidance by @ruthveda.eth
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
1 minute on X = repellent for a week. Bullish purple. Keep doing what y'all doing here and show up how you show up. This is how we eventually win.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
Worpcasters! What if we build a comedy club with channel as stage? Worpcast=the worpest cast; alts post parodies: cringe yes, cruel no. Channel followers engage/tip $WORP so @dwp earns Weekly Top 5 get on @0xconca.eth .xyz = wall of worp From there we onboard ppl from X. Token sink/faucet potential. Yes, and...?
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
I'd love to understand the decision tree for listings. @coinbase how much can you share in public? @jessepollak how much do you want mothership to share given that you have done a stellar job in creating an open culture around base here on farcaster.
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antaur ↑ pfp
antaur ↑
This. The single and sole reason why worpcast sucks is bc the team has a skill issue. Have never seen such a bunch of untalented people, ever. They just don't know what they are doing 😜 😜 😜
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