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Manuel pfp
Looking for honest feedback on my p2p marketplace for physical goods (like Craigslist). You can list items for sale on or the niche channels like /sneaker-exchange /art-exchange /kids-kiosk. Is the message clear? Did you know this existed? Is buying/selling used items something you do?
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SchmRdty.eth🎩  pfp
Hi, I would use this idea marketed toward small businesses personally. My wife is a small business, and so are some of the people I have and continue to onboard. Some with TikTok shops that are used to being able to sell that way. So the more intuitive the better, but I don’t think I recall seeing your options before
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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Filter by location for items when browsing would be helpful for me to see the most relevant postings (or making it clear on the landing page that shipping is offered for it)
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