Manuel pfp
The only wallet I’ve been able to connect with on mobile is Coinbase Wallet. Rainbow says “connection failed” regardless of the site, and even when the site uses Rainbow kit. Metamask’s connect dialog never shows up. I know Metamask is notorious for not working, is anyone else having issues with rainbow?
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Trish🫧✈️🎩 pfp
Yes. Rainbow works better than mm but both seem to work on and off in spurts. Mine works but only after I fight it
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Manuel pfp
It’s so frustrating. I’m stressing out trying to find a solution that works for my users. Because especially for non web3 natives, if they can’t connect, it looks like it’s my app, not the wallet 😫
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
we‘re having the exact same problem and I‘ve created a huge shit storm on Twitter too, but few have been reacting
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