Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
What are other people's impressions of the difference between the cultural vibe in farcaster vs bluesky vs mastodon vs lens? (I have my own answers but am very curious what other people's answers are)
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July pfp
Obviously take with grain of salt Nostr: Bitcoin maxis Farcaster: Eth maxis but not degen Lens: crypto maxis, yes degen Bluesky: TPOT, generally left leaning Mastodon: other Twitter refugees Threads: people who missed the boat on becoming instafamous - a influencer power debt jubilee
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sean pfp
in your opinion, which is most likely to serve as the text-based social "public service" (mass market) over the next 3-5 years?
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π’‚ _𒍣𒅀_π’Š‘ pfp
π’‚ _𒍣𒅀_π’Š‘
the question is which hub is the most performant when encumbered with as many of them. e.g. who indexes the web without google and "dead internet" filler?
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sean pfp
are you saying that you think it's a technical / scaling question?
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