Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
“The truth is that many of the qualities we admire in human beings can only function in opposition to some kind of disaster, pain, or difficulty; but the tendency of mechanical progress is to eliminate disaster, pain, and difficulty” —George “Fuck Technology” Orwell What’s your gut reaction?
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m_j_r pfp
maybe in an uncontrolled environment, e.g. runaway consumerism. I'd like to think that art can be contrived into artificial conflict, and that exists at moments w/o conflict (e.g. cave painting a 🦣 hunt) best quality of humans is learning, which is amplified by & further compels tech progress.
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
Ah - i too think artificial conflict (especially with real stakes) adds value to many systems. Aka training, practice, art (as you mentioned), etc when implemented thoughtfully absolutely replicate some of the ideals mentioned. Per usual its a question of degrees 😂
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