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LWatts pfp
And the Academy award for worst streamer goes to … Hulu! For cutting off a show that predictably and reliably runs long every year.
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LWatts pfp
OpenSea’s trade volume has plummeted 98%(!!!) since its May 2022 peak—and it deserves to drown. Let’s break it down: 1️⃣ In a race to the bottom with Blur (also vile), OpenSea killed NFT royalties, gutting one of the format’s core selling points. 2️⃣ Without royalties, artists lost a key revenue stream—and a major incentive to keep promoting their past work. AKA the ongoing engagement that fueled trading and rewarded collectors. 3️⃣ With past work no longer generating income, artists were forced into churn-and-burn mode, cranking out more, more, more. 4️⃣ The market became oversaturated. Everything devalued. 5️⃣ Trade volume on OpenSea nosedives 98%. An own-goal. A self-inflicted wound that infected the entire market. 2% left until they're where they deserve to be. https://protos.com/opensea-goes-multichain-after-98-drop-in-volume/
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LWatts pfp
Now the scary part. If anyone is going to develop a timephone in our lifetimes and have access to its godlike power, it’s probably going to be that motherfucker Elon. And maybe he already has it.
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LWatts pfp
If entangled particles could be utilized for instant communication with no limitation imposed by distance, and if one of those particles was accelerated toward the speed of light such that there was time dilation between them, would communication through time become possible? Asking for a friend. From the future.
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LWatts pfp
The MCU is in desperate need of a makeover, and it looks like the Fantastic Four will bring some style to the Marvel mix. Now let’s hope the story is good. At least they don’t fight a cloud in this one. I think..? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzMo-FgRp64
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LWatts pfp
A M3GAN sequel was inevitable, but an interesting premise for one was not. I’m cautiously optimistic about the direction promised here. Plot: Two years after M3GAN's rampage, her creator Gemma resorts to resurrecting her infamous creation in order to take down Amelia, the military-grade weapon who was built by a defense contractor who stole M3GAN's underlying tech. https://youtu.be/DTAYuj8K7YE?si=8wkRM7kfOwUd2d6P
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LWatts pfp
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LWatts pfp
Cool. Someone finally thawed @ethereum out. Time to party like it’s 1999. Although I’d rather party like it’s November 2021. https://media.tenor.com/A50Zz4Nuu2gAAAAC/fry-futurama
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LWatts pfp
Severance is starting to give me LOST vibes. I hope that all of these "cool" mystery things they're setting up have a satisfying payoff. Which means the writers need to know what that payoff is going to be upfront. Unlike a JJ joint where they had no idea and didn't care. https://media.tenor.com/ZVVJy0xcTw4AAAAC/lost
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LWatts pfp
And then we split the free hoagie.
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LWatts pfp
This story has “Planet Fitness” written all over it.
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LWatts pfp
This is super exciting IF the service comes to market at a price point that is within reach for real people. If it’s relegated to Concorde elite experience for the private jet crowd — what does it really matter? I’m hoping for a revolution in both tech and affordability.
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LWatts pfp
I guess that’s why everyone now says, “We’ll get back to you.”
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LWatts pfp
Movies are getting good again!
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LWatts pfp
Movie rec! I caught an early screening of Companion. It’s sci-fi horror, funny, dark, and deals with tech+social topics. I don’t want to give anything away, so go in early and blind if you can. If you need a teaser, this creates intrigue without outright exposing the plot. https://youtu.be/PhcLjiVtgco?si=JZ90NMyYlNor1pOg
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LWatts pfp
Am I the only one who’s tired of watching a TV episode then immediately seeing the cast & crew recap of what I just saw? If I’m not the audience this is for I don’t know who the hell is. Streamers: this comes off as pretentious as hell.
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LWatts pfp
It suffered from the JJ Abrams mystery box approach. Setup a bunch of “wouldn’t it be cool if” mysteries with absolutely no idea where they lead. Keep adding more to keep viewers engaged. Pretend there’s a plan. When it’s time to wrap it up, shoehorn some ill fitting answers in and call it a day.
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LWatts pfp
Be careful what you wish for. Remember when LOST started explaining things? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
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LWatts pfp
The 11.22.63 book is one of my favorites of all time, and right up there with The Stand. The series — I can’t stand. Such a wasted opportunity. And the worst part is that the poor execution of the series means the property is tainted and unlikely to be adapted for screen again or anytime soon.
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LWatts pfp
There is no Dana, only Zuul.
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