llamafacts pfp



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llamafacts pfp
I never liked lens because they were too elitist. I tried to join them for 3 years begging invites. I'll never try it again lol I was able to start farcasting right away.
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llamafacts pfp
Got it. Yeah that doesn't work but you can populate your initial frame with the second one by setting that second frame as a response, for instance by setting a button target url the url of your second frame. When people click that they'll see the second frame. That's the closest you'll get.
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llamafacts pfp
There is not an easy way to build a fullstack frames server (I.e having frames AND a landing page AND some other back end and serverless infra) across different services under the same domain. All tools are too focused on vercel and even then it's not straightforward.
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llamafacts pfp
Strange question but yes, both cast actions and buttons are handled by a POST request endpoint, so you can make your post endpoint handle both they're pretty much the same
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llamafacts pfp
I agree that accessories are important, but if the hardware is useless without them it's just bad design
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llamafacts pfp
A product that needs accessories has design flaws. An iPad without a case is almost useless = a design flaw. Phones too. Why waste millions in designing a beautiful device look and feel when 99% of people will hide it with a case right away? = design flaw.
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llamafacts pfp
Where most bugs are found in my projects: 🪑[here]⌨️ (between the chair and the keyboard)
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llamafacts pfp
What if I reply to a cast in this channel? Actually how are people going to reply to this question?
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llamafacts pfp
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llamafacts pfp
But I guess Boeing issues also make airbus stocks rise? It's like the two of them only.
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llamafacts pfp
It's... Correct?
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llamafacts pfp
Tomorrowland CORE Medellin - Colombia. Kolsch
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‏ pfp
Big shoutout to /pinata for their Managed Farcaster Auth system I haven't been able to figure this out for months until I came across their product tucked away in a blogpost somewhere. Google needs to rank it higher
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llamafacts pfp
Wen aoe2 DE Farcaster tournament?
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llamafacts pfp
I thought that since the macbook trackpad is so nice so would be their mouse. Big mistake :(
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llamafacts pfp
What's the apple product that you immediately hated? For me it is the magic mouse. Spent 6 hours trying to make it feel like a 10 bucks logitech mouse - complete waste of money and time. I play games and most mouses work just fine with little or zero configuration.
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Justin Hunter pfp
Justin Hunter
I can't tell if this is a problem with messaging or that devs are so used to having to reach for multiple tools, but I see so many Pinata customers running content through their IPFS gateways AND putting a CDN in front AND putting image optimization in front. Pinata gateways support both out of the box.
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Jorge Ordovás pfp
Jorge Ordovás
Criticism continues in Farcaster in relation to bots and the business that DEGEN represents today to finance them. Interesting thread, and one more example of how difficult it is to predict evolution in complex systems https://twitter.com/peter_szilagyi/status/1788145447099355301
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llamafacts pfp
Got it, so you want to onboard them for free (you'll cover the .03 of that transaction only) and give them a "read only" like experience without the hassle of having to pay the full experience right? I think it's a valid use case. Should be explored.
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llamafacts pfp
You can build a readonly client with today's tools. Just make an API call and you'll get casts or users https://docs.pinata.cloud/farcaster/farcaster-api/endpoint/casts when your user wants to start casting/adding people, you make them create a farcaster account.
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