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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Excited to see work on solar geoengineering: Maybe global-south nations who will be most hit by climate change will start threatening to do this unilaterally; even if other techniques are ultimately better, perhaps they need the push to get to the finish line
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Alexander Liroff pfp
Alexander Liroff
In “The Ministry for the Future” (2020), Kim Stanley Robinson foresees a catastrophic heat wave in India in 2025 that kills 20 million, but ultimately becomes a galvanizing moment. India ends up spraying sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere to provide a stable cooling cloud cover for its vulnerable population.
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Alexander Liroff pfp
Alexander Liroff
It’s a great work of sci-fi, wherein Robinson examines many decades of improvements and failures that follow as the world finally begins to grapple with climate change. I hope in our timeline we can take these issues seriously before such tragedy. Great read with many provocative ideas for addressing the crisis
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