limone.eth šŸ‹ pfp
limone.eth šŸ‹
šŸ‘€ Introducing Findcaster: a tool to discover people around web3 socials Search people by topics they are interested in and POAPs they collected around the world āœØ
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Gabriel Ayuso pfp
Gabriel Ayuso
This is cool! For keyword based search, it'd be great to show examples of casts where the keyword was used. An interesting more advance feature would be some form of sentiment analysis. Are they positive or negative about the keyword. "NFTs are stupid" is very different to "I minted this NFT"
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limone.eth šŸ‹ pfp
limone.eth šŸ‹
"For keyword based search, it'd be great to show examples of casts where the keyword was used." this is already on my localhost! Thanks for your feedback, really insightful, didn't think about the sentiment analysis yet
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