Liang| /degencast April🎩 pfp
Liang| /degencast April🎩
Follower inflation is real. My real follower is probably 1000😂
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Yumemaborosi🎩🍖🔵🔮🍡 pfp
You are popular and I don't think so!
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VamPunk🎩🔵🚽 pfp
One of them is me sir, congratulations on your hard work🫡
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NFTYCG 🟡🔵🎩⌐◨-◨ pfp
NFTYCG 🟡🔵🎩⌐◨-◨
You would think that maybe 10% of your followers would interact with a post so you should be getting 3k likes etc..
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