LeaFi Labs pfp
LeaFi Labs
As I am trying to work on this please have a look (including the first comment) and feedback will be helpful. @rocketman @koh @compost New Flow/Category name: Nounish Research #Rule for Researcher (Submitting application) 1. Research needs to be related to the environment and wildlife (for eg, carbon, forest, climate change, endangered animals and such but not limited) 2. Need to submit name, email, about including previous exp (all researchers involved), 3. Have to submit Title, Objectives, Article Review (1 para including citations), Methodology, References, 4. About the Study Area (including longitude and latitude), 5. At Least one update regarding research per month, 6. Need to submit a research paper (doc/pdf) after completion to flows team, 6. Have to acknowledge nounish community in research work while publishing in the journals, 7. One can apply for more than one research prop after completing point number 6.
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LeaFi Labs pfp
LeaFi Labs
#Duties of Curator 1. Make sure each proposal gets at least 500$/month, 2. Have to challenge the proposal after completing 6 months (180 days), Why 500$/month and mandatory challenge after 180 days? - As research lasts for a certain time period only, it is better and makes sense for both parties (donor and receiver) to give more grant for the short term rather than a small amount for the long term as it doesn't make sense in research work. Plus easy to review and keep an eye on limited research projects. - Mandatory challenge will help to remove old proposals and make way for new proposals.
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rocketman pfp
we would only be able to shell out 2 proposals for $500 a month, and as i'm not sure how this flow will go i'm not sure that it's a good idea tbh
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koH pfp
I find it interesting although I don’t think a new category would work at the moment. Although I’m very interested to see a research group be deployed for nounish activity
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