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lol I love China, its people and food!! I’ve being to Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou, I have crossed the Yangtze River on a ferry multiple times, what an experience. I came face to face w a flying air ballon while I was in the executive library in the JW Marriot at Tomorrow Square in Shanghai … Guinness world record as the highest library from the ground level at 60 story, that’s was a real treat! I dislike the Chinese people party tho, how they oppressed and control its own people … economically I dislike how the CCP constantly devalue their currency causing a silence havoc in the global supply chain of products. The main reason China is the global factory is because CCP constantly devalues the Yuan.
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My family is from Laos and growing up was taught to dislike the Chinese. I’ve been to Asia many times but actively avoid the country. I’ve considered HK because a lot of my British friends live and/or do business there. I didn’t interact with any “Northern Asians” (Chinese, Korean, and Japanese) until I moved to NYC ~7 years ago. I despised how corporate companies I worked for forced me to learn about and celebrate Lunar New Year. Tech H1b visas changed a lot of US perception. I understand your sentiments and your argument. I enjoy being a consumer as their goods have enhanced my life but most of it has been the only option… well, except the food. 🙂
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