Trying to decide what I want to happen to me when I die I thought I was pretty set on cremation but I heard someone say it reflected on how no one has real roots anymore. Everyone scattered to the wind So now I’m like ugh people are going to judge me for being an itinerant even in the way I choose to handle my own dead body 😆 I have talked about death diamonds and those would be cool Maybe I can put my ashes under a tree
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Lauren McDonagh-Pereira
I want to be dressed in authentic period pieces from wildly different cultures and times in human history, flown to the middle of Antartica, and dumped on an ice sheet. My hope is that my body is discovered in a few thousand years and some university spends decades trying to prove I was a time traveler.
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Save your Pennie’s!! This sounds pricey!!!!! To say nothing of the fact this depends on a very large X factor of the ice sheets not melting!! Girl I’m stressed lol 😂
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