🍤 Lammer pfp
🍤 Lammer
What’s the best place to deploy a contract that people will use mint.fun as a front end for?
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Joshua Fisher ⌐◨-◨ テ🎩 pfp
Joshua Fisher ⌐◨-◨ テ🎩
Zora. HD Nouns just did this. @gami could provide some insight. https://twitter.com/0xigami/status/1688452056250789888?s=46&t=n8iQI78gVuV1A3LoIVlrCw
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呂丹冊工 🧢 pfp
呂丹冊工 🧢
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🍤 Lammer pfp
🍤 Lammer
Gnars looks cool - is there a way to use the Zora nouns contract without procedurally generating traits? Like let’s say I already had 10k outputs, could I still use a Nouns style trickle to release them?
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呂丹冊工 🧢 pfp
呂丹冊工 🧢
yep, just add a single layer instead of multiple and it will output your pieces one by one at whatever cadence you set. 🫡
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🍤 Lammer pfp
🍤 Lammer
Nice - is there a max number of single layers it will take?
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呂丹冊工 🧢 pfp
呂丹冊工 🧢
umm, not sure. i think @zaak could answer that one. or maybe @iain or @jacob ?
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🍤 Lammer pfp
🍤 Lammer
There are other deployer a that seem more oriented towards a 10k drop, but without the chance the cool time based Nouns features. I wish you could mix and match generation styles, distribution styles, etc
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isaac pfp
wanna make sure i understand this correctly @lammer : you already have a folder of 10k final artwork files but would like to distribute them via interval-based auctions like Nouns? cc @neokry this sounds like something the upcoming sequential metadata renderer upgrade could achieve
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iain pfp
yep i think this is a planned upgrade. as for layer limits with the current type it’s more that the layers are randomly (potentially w duplicates) chosen so may not be the type of drop you’re thinking of
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🍤 Lammer pfp
🍤 Lammer
Yeah I’d need this to be sequenced - 10,000 (or even, 1000) images that I already have to be dripped out Nouns-style. Random order is ok, repeats would be a violation of the collection logic.
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iain pfp
Are they generated using a script or tool?
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