Jacob pfp
Are there any new people on Farcaster that want to talk about things other than technology, science & crypto? I'm starting to lose the narrative
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Kuusho ↑ pfp
Kuusho ↑
I’m not exactly new but what’s on your mind? Do you have something you want to talk about in particular?
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Jacob pfp
I'd like to talk about breaking out of the invisible boxes that applications force us into with shiny screens ⚡️red notification alerts ❤️ and fun vibrations 📳
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Kuusho ↑ pfp
Kuusho ↑
That’s interesting, there’s quite a few of those boxes, I’m stuck in a few as well. Feels like a hamster’s wheel. Which boxes bother you the most on a day to day basis?
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Jacob pfp
I thought I had broken out of social networks but then I got pulled in to a *better Twitter* bc a cool group of ppl all hung out here But now I'm getting stuck in the application layer Kafkacaster
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