Danica Swanson
I had such a great day road-tripping to Eugene, OR with my IRL friend @popegrutch, who will be moving to Eugene in a couple of weeks. We had delicious food, beautiful cool weather and grey skies, no traffic snarls or logistical stressors, etc., and the apartment hunt for @popegrutch was a smashing success. I even had some time to reconnect for tea and good conversation with two other dear friends who live in Eugene that I hadn't seen in many years. So now I have *three* dear friends in Eugene, plus many fond memories of my former life there that date all the way back to my U. of Oregon days in the 1990s. And I love the city anyway, for a long list of reasons. I think next year I may start putting some real effort toward moving back there.
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Kristin Piljay ツ
Did you ever go to the store, Sundance Natural Foods?! I lived near there and loved that store.
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Danica Swanson
I've been to Sundance, but not recently. It's been at least a decade since I was there. Probably closer to 15 years. We did walk by The Kiva grocery today though! We were in the downtown area mostly.
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